Access diverse patient populations
Improve public health outcomes
Speed new drugs to market faster
Reduce the need for costly clinical trials
Combating COVID-19 with AstraZeneca
Elixia-managed sites were responsible for representing a total of 47% of the enrolled minority population worldwide for monoclonal antibody therapy.

Extend access to advanced therapeutics throughout local communities
Elixia puts communities first through meaningful patient acquisition and education programs led by our Patient Outreach and Support Division.

Operations designed for rapid study startup
Concerted operations across five Elixia divisions allow for study startup through study activation timelines to see record efficiencies.

Meet database locks sooner
Elixia has consistently led the global enrollment efforts for its last 25 trials conducted.

Access diverse patient populations

Combating COVID-19 with AstraZeneca
Elixia-managed sites were responsible for representing a total of 47% of the enrolled minority population worldwide for monoclonal antibody therapy.
Improve public health outcomes

Extend access to advanced therapeutics throughout local communities
Elixia puts communities first through meaningful patient acquisition and education programs led by our Patient Outreach and Support Division.
Speed new drugs to market faster

Operations designed for rapid study startup
Concerted operations across five Elixia divisions allow for study startup through study activation timelines to see record efficiencies.
Reduce the need for costly clinical trials

Meet database locks sooner
Elixia has consistently led the global enrollment efforts for its last 25 trials conducted.
What happens in each clinical study depends on what is in the study “protocol’. Each study has a detailed plan that explains the purpose of the clinical study and for how long that study will run. If you are considering joining a study, these details of the study protocol are shared with you as part of the informed consent process of the study. You can expect to hear more details about: the medication, procedures, and tests that will be part of the study, the study length, and the associated study schedule. You will also learn about how side effects will be managed, tracked, and reported as part of the study upfront as well.
A clinical study may also have aspects such as randomization, a placebo (a substance having no pharmacological effect but administered as a control), or blinding. All study volunteers are closely monitored by our clinic staff and medical team to ensure their safety at all times.
Researchers encourage all to consider joining a clinical study. There are many different types of studies that research different aspects of health. Your eligibility for any given study will be contingent on the criteria that are outlined for that particular study. Eligibility criteria can include the following things: age, sex, overall health, type of condition, your medical treatment history as well.
Participation in clinical studies is always voluntary and often a personal decision. You are always encouraged to contact our research team to learn more about studies you may be eligible for.
Elixia conducts clinical studies in our clinical research centers and medical practices across 4 geographical regions in the United States. If you are looking for a particular study near you, get in contact with our team and we will share more information about site locations, studies, and eligibility criteria.
All clinical studies have possible risks involved. There are known and unknown risks associated with participation in specific studies that will be explained to you in detail during the informed consent process of conversations with our team. This is also the time in which we share with you details about your eligibility for participation as well.
Clinical trials receive oversight from many entities. One of such entities includes the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, institutional review boars as well as independent data safety and monitoring boards, and ethics committees.
All questions are welcome from study participants before, during, or after they volunteer for a study. Some commonly asked questions may include: what is the intended use of the medication being researched? Are there risks? What are the benefits of using this medication? How long will this study last and what do I need to do?
Each clinical study within the United States must be approved by and monitored by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to make sure that risks are as low as possible and are worth any potential benefits to the study volunteer. You have the right to discontinue participating in the study and leave at any time, for any reason without any penalty or loss of benefit.
During the screening appointment, you are given detailed information about the study to help you decide if you want to continue participating. Several standard tests may be performed, pending the needs of the study, to qualify your eligibility. Such tests can include vital signs, a physical exam, questionnaires, blood work, or other medical tests as discussed with you during the time of your appointment. If your information and test results are a match for the requirements of the study, you may be given the option to choose to continue participation.
All side effects should be reported to the study doctor, even if you believe the side effect is mild or that it wasn’t caused by the study medicine. Contact information for the study doctor, including a 24-hour emergency contact number, can be found on study materials you received. These materials include the informed consent document and a medical emergency contact card.